Laurie Anne Land: August 2024

How was your July? One of the 2 highlights for me is that I am proud (and a little shocked) to say that I didn't eat ANY candy/desserts this month! Especially since I shared some favorite candy I was very much enjoying in June in last month's email haha! This is a huge accomplishment for me as I am very much addicted to sugar. I have also felt way more myself this month than I have in a long time which feels very good!
The 2nd highlight is that we finally got AC in our van!!! This is a huge upgrade for "Svan" because now we can take him out in the summer! We are planning a California coast trip here soon! Cannot wait!
What I'm Loving

- I shared my favorite fiber drink last month, but I have also been taking this probiotic and I like it very much (well as much as you can tell if you like one? lol)
- We have been focusing on getting more protein into our diets over here and we have found some very tasty options. These bars taste like rice crispy treats and these shakes (thanks to my 19 yr old nephew for the rec lol!) are SO good and taste like your classic chocolate milk.
- I used to have an indoor herb garden and LOVED IT. I don't have a great place in our house for one right now (yet - my future mud/laundry room has a spot for it!) but if you don't have one, highly recommend!
- These are the MVP when my skin is a mess.
- Speaking of skin being a mess, this viral toothpaste that I have been using supposedly cuts down on breakouts around your mouth and chin. And while on the topic of hygiene, I swear by my deodorant . Taylor uses it too!
- Taylor is very picky about his T-shirts but he loves these and wanted me to share them with you!
- Fancy up your apple watch with these watch bands ! We both have had these watch bands for close to a year and they are so comfy and have held up so well!! I have the Dune color and Taylor has Cognac.
- I have been reading a lot! I read the Red Rising Trilogy which was a bit out of my norm but I loved it! I read most of Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow and didn't finish it - I feel like I'm letting the world down by not enjoying it lol. Red Queen also didn't impress me much but I think it's because I read it right after Red Rising... rookie mistake. I may revisit the series later. I just started Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series and I hear great things about it and am hoping I get sucked in soon! What are you reading? Any recs?
- I've been having so much fun sharing Tiny Landscape Tuesdays with ya'll again! This week's tiny original is still available and it's such a fun summer palette.
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A Favorite Follow
If you love vintage finds, you need to follow my friend, Jamie! She curates the most incredible collections for you to shop!

Did you hear?!
I had the honor of being featured in the Where Women Create magazine! It was such a special shoot because Taylor was my photographer! Check it out!

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